This volume has its origins in an international conference on emotions organized by the Polish Association for the Study of English and held at the University of Wroc?aw in April 2015. In the course of the conference, it became clear that emotions are productively explored with relation to motion for the reason that emotion(s) and motion(s) constitute profoundly intertwined dimensions of physical and cultural embodiment reflected in language. The relationship between motion(s) and emotion(s) became the underlying theme of this volume, which comprises nineteen contributions presenting exploratory and applicative accounts of (e)motion(s) situated in topical research areas of linguistic theory, second language acquisition, and translation studies.
Marek Ku?niak is Associate Professor in the Institute of English Studies, University of Wroc?aw.
Bo?ena Rozwadowska is Associate Professor in the Institute of English Studies, University of Wroc?aw.
Micha? Szawerna is Assistant Professor in the Institute of English Studies, University of Wroc?aw.