suspension, n. [1]
1. the act of suspending.
2. the state of being suspended.
3. temporary abrogation or withholding, as of a law, privilege,
decision, belief, etc.
4. stoppage of payment of debts or claims because of financial
inability or insolvency.
5. Chem. a. the state in which the particles of a substance are mixed
with a fluid but are undissolved. b. a substance in such a state.
6. Physical Chem. a system consisting of small particles kept dispersed
by agitation (mechanical suspension) or by the molecular motion in
the surrounding medium (colloidal suspension).
Wladimir Velminski, born 1976, coordinates the research project "History and Theory of Media Regimes" at Bauhaus University Weimar since 2016. He studied mathematics, physics as well as media and Slavic studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Lomonosov University in Moscow.