The Fifteenth Triannual Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) took place on the grounds of St. John’s College in Cambridge, England from August 19-24, 2001. It was a memorable occasion both in its preparation and its incarnation and the present volume is meant to preserve at least a portion of what transpired: the papers comprising the program. The presentations and events were more far-reaching and all-inclusive than ever before, incorporating numerous political and intercultural issues and including representatives from psychoanalysis and other fields of endeavor for the first time. Contents
Robert Hinshaw 17
Introduction to the Congress
Murray Stein 19
Analytical Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Cambridge Keynote Addresses
Destructive Devotion: With Friends like us, does Jung need Enemies?
Beverley Zabriskie 25
Analytical Psychology and Its Relation to Psychoanalysis: A Personal View
James Astor 37
Response to Keynote Addresses
Susan Budd 50
Mario Jacoby 53
François Martin-Vallas 57
Giuseppe Maffei 60
Debate: Analytical Psychology and Psychoanalysis Don’t Mix
Jan Wiener, Chair 65
Patricia Berry 66
Barbara D. Stephens 68
Warren Colman 71
Brigitte Spillman 73
Ann Shearer 76
Matthias von der Tann 79
Realization and Representation of the Self in the Child
Francesco Montecchi 83
Infant Observation Research and Jungian Analysis
Brian Feldman 95
Opening Space in Space: Insights from Infant Observation
Michael Horne 100
Not For Women Only: A Jungian View of Menopause
JoAnn Culbert-Koehn 106
Otto Gross Between Freud and Jung: The Secret Story
of Jung’s Twin Brother
Gottfried Heuer 118
‘O’ – An Excursion in the Realm of the Unspeakable
Jef Dehing 130
How They See Us Now
Psychoanalysts Comment on Core Concepts and Approaches
of Analytical Psychology
Joseph Cambray 143
The Poet and the Analyst
Naomi Ruth Lowinsky 163
Clinical Issues and Practice
The New Patient
Gerolamo Crivelli 179
Panel: Sexual Diversity
Sexual Compulsivity in Gay Men
John A. Gosling 191
Fisting! Analysing Sex Beyond the Pale
Chess Denman 194
Some Problems with “Homosexuality”
Barry Miller 206
Panel: Psychosomatics
On Images of Disease
Iván Rodríguez del Camino 210
Psychosomatics, Synchronicity and the Body-Mind Totality
Walter Boechat 214
Invalidation du Soi et Cancer
J. Jeanne Ghédighian-Courier 218
Panel: Dreams – Current Issues
Jenny Yates, Chair 230
Linda Carter 239
John Hill 252
Panel: Dreams – Working Attitudes
Harry A. Wilmer, Chair 260
Marion Rauscher Gallbach 266
Ole Vedfelt 269
Panel: The Third Generation after the Holocaust
Joanne Wieland-Burston, Chair 277
Eva Morris 281
Martine Sandor-Buthaud 285
Workshop on Supervision
Intimacy, Abstinence, Therapeutic Supervision
Christine Driver 288
Supervision as an Alchemical Process
Claire Allphin 291
Supervision of Trained Therapists
Edward Martin 293
Fours in Supervision
Moira Duckworth 296
Discussion Group: Sandplay
Sandplay and Shared Language in Analysis
Paolo Aite 301
Ruth Ammann 304
Sand Play “In” Analysis
Franco Castellana 307
Sandplay, Trauma, and Brain Research
Harriet S. Friedman 309
Transformation of Affect Imagery in Analysis Using the Sandtray
Jean Kirsch 312
Words and Images Compared
Andreina Navone 314
Workshop: Active Imagination in Movement
Joan Chodorow, Chair 318
Metaphor: Bridging Psyche and Soma
Marion Woodman 319
Embodied Active Imagination
Anita Greene 321
Movement in Analysis: Early Beginnings
Joan Chodorow 323
Authentic Movement and Witnessing in Clinical Practice
Wendy Wyman-McGinty 325
Embodied Implicit Memory
Shayne Spitzer 327
Animals in Art, Animals in Life
Neil Russack 330
Panel: The Ethical Attitude in Analytical Practice
Hester McFarland Solomon 347
Fiona Palmer Barnes 348
Harry Fogarty 350
Don Quixote in the Analyst’s Consulting Room
Christian Gaillard 355
Le Rêve
Martine Gallard 362
Language, Science and Philosophy of Analytical Psychology
Debate: Psychology and Biology
Anthony Stevens, George Hogenson
Moderator: Denise G. Ramos 367
Panel on the Philosophy of Ethics: Interpretation and Terminology
Philosophy, Ethics and Psychotherapy
John Granrose 379
Ethics Complaints: Who Shall Judge
Terrance Wapshall 383
Dilemma in Ethics in Analytic Practice
Manisha Roy 385
Speech, Dialogue, Teleology and Courage
Pere Segura 388
Teleology and the Hermeneutics of Hope
Alan Jones 402
Multicultural Implications
Exploring Racism
Helen Morgan 417
Astrid Berg 428
The Wolf of Gubbio and the Cambridge Tiger
Jane Buckley 433
Panel: Recovery from Torture
Torture, Internment, and Trauma During Times of Conflict
John R. van Eenwyk 445
Reflections on the Film “On the Dignity of the Human Soul”
Ingela Romare 450
Analysis and Individuation: The Mexican Psyche
Patricia Michan 453
“Self and Its Vicissitudes”
Maria Fiorentino 465
Emerging Consciences in Today’s World: The Latin American Identity
Eloisa Penna, Chair 477
An Experience of Cultural Blending at the Rio de la Plata
Pablo Gelsi 481
The Black, the White, Indigenous Women and European Men
Nairo de Souza Vargas 483
Creative and Defensive Aspects of Underdevelopment
Eloisa Penna 486
Panel: The Evolving Feminine
Eros and Phobos: A Reexamination of Eros and the Will to Power
Patricia Burrell 489
Job’s Answer to Jung: His Beautiful Daughters
Gregory Santos 492
Recovering from Silence and Invisibility
Toni O’Brien Johnson 495
Latin America: New Cartography of Frontiers and Symbolic Interstices
Mario Eugenio Saiz 501
The Interpretation of Film as a Psychological Art
John Beebe 513
Diane Johnson 522
Ian Alister 526
Sound and Psyche: The Common Rhythm in Mind and Matter
Patricia Skar 533
Creative Torment or Tormented Creativity: Robert Schumann and Nineteenth-Century German Romanticism
Laurel Morris 542
The Effects of Colonization
Anne Noonan 561
Heather Formaini 566
The Lost Face of the Feminine
Betty De Shong Meador 572
Searching for the Feminine: Talking with the Japanese Courtesan
Motoko Miyano 579
Panel: Migration and Migrants
With Heart and in Facts
Marta Tibaldi 585
La Famille Émigrée et le Premier-né: Entre Culture et Archetype
Mario Castello 588
The Importance of Shame in the Treatment of Migrants from Turkey
Fatih Güç 595
Clinical Issues and Practice on Multicultural Implications
Luciana de Franco 601
Panel: “The Gift of Healing”
Mary Dougherty, Chair 605
Lyn Cowan 607
David Hewison 609
Jan D. Marlan 612
Rocio Ruiz 615
Mary Dougherty 618
The Future of Analytical Psychology
Dynamiques de la Dépendance et de la Non-Dépendance,
Individuelle et Institutionnelle
Norbert Chatillon 623
The Care of Art
Francesco Donfrancesco 655
Reading Collective Events: Ecological Issue of Energy and
Globalisation of the Market
Brigitte Egger 669
Panel: Jung in Academia
Alessandra De Coro 681
David H. Rosen 685
Jung and the Postmodern
Christopher Hauke 690
Clinical Paradigm as Analytic Third – Reflections on a Century of Analysis and an Emergent Paradigm for the Millennium
Birgit Heuer 701
Biotecnologie: Nuove Frontiere Tra Corpo, Genere E Psiche
Elena Liotta 710
Business and Analytical Psychology
Jürgen Kugele 717
Social Dreaming at Cambridge
Peter Tatham 732
Helen Morgan 732
Final Evaluation of the Congress
Roberto Gambini, Chair 741
Thomas Kirsch 744
Viviane Jullien-Palletier 748
Farewell Address
Luigi Zoja 753