The evaluation of the assistance and support activity is based upon the defining processes of the levels of service, the leading of the service team, the performance management, of offering a continuous service, the security of the system, the identification of the costs for assistance and support, the teaching and training of the users, the assistance and advise of the clients, the configuration management, the organization of the problems and incidents that might appear, the data, facilities and operation management( addition, accuracy, validation, upgrading and stocking).
Claudia-Georgeta Carstea is Associate Professor in Databases and MIS at "George Baritiu" University,Romania. Ph.D. in Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics. She is Dean and Head of ECDL Department. Assoc.Prof.Dr.Claudia Carstea has authored and co-authored 147 scientific publications in books, journals, and conference proceedings.