Computer games have fascinated millions of users for more than 30 years. Today, they constitute the strongest sector in media-entertainment industry and are part of digital daily life. This anthology combines the perspectives of Media Studies, Game Studies, and Communication Studies, and presents their findings in an interdisciplinary approach.
Benjamin Bigl is a research assistant at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig.
Sebastian Stoppe is a research associate at the Research Academy of the University of Leipzig.
Both editors are members of the Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Forschung | Medien e. V.
Contents: Florian Kiefer: Involvierung über Involvierungsbrüche. Eine Strukturanalyse zur Beschreibung des Involvierungspotenzials von
– Matthias Stork: The spectacle of the interface: post-cinematic aesthetics in action computer games and films – Antonio José Planells De La Maza: Sorry, but our princess is in another castle! Towards a theory of video games as ludofictional worlds – Rafael Bienia: Das Computer-Rollenspiel-Genre – Stefan Höltgen: Game Circuits. Platform Studies und Medienarchäologie als Methoden zur Erforschung von Computerspielen – Letícia Perani: Playing for serious reasons: brief notes on the influence of games in early HCI history – Gareth Schott/Jasper Van Vught/Raphaël Marczak: Not knowing: locating player experience between ideal and active play – Benjamin Bigl: If the game goes on. Perceived transfer effects from virtual game worlds into everyday life – Sebastian Koch: Is there a blind spot? An empirical study on the awareness for violence in videogames – Anne Mette Thorhauge: Intended and negotiated gameplay: the interpretive power of the player – Danny Pannicke/Rüdiger Zarnekow: Post-Adoption virtueller Welten – Claus Wohlgemuth: A qualitative study on immersion in videogames: avatar-identification as a factor influencing immersion – Janina Maric: Gaming at the e-sport event: Mediatized confrontations (re)negotiating sport, body and media – Arne Schröder: Playing with the avatar:
avatars as play things – David Gause/Volker Gehrau: The effect of real world-cues on the use of online football manager games – Pascaline Lorentz: Video-ludological socialization – Gabriela T. Richard: Gender and gameplay: research and future directions – Juan F. Belmonte: Identity through free choice? The frontiers of sexuality and gender in computer games – Matthew Barr: Computer games and learning: the current state of play – Felix Kronenberg: Computer games as agentive and immersive spaces for language learners – Mirian Checa/Ana Belén García Varela/Natalia Monjelat/David Herrero/Héctor Del Castillo: Participatory culture and skills for new media learning – Michael Filsecker/Michael Kerres: Designing and studying educational games: Limitations of current design and research approaches in game-based learning – Jasper A. Friedrich: Computerspiele und Medienethik. Zur Systematik des Forschungsfeldes – Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger: Gamecrime und Metacrime - Kriminogene Aspekte virtueller Welten.