The 2009 annual conference of the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) and the European regional conference of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) took place at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in Tallinn. This volume primarily includes articles that have grown out of the papers presented at the conference – 37 articles by 41 authors from 15 countries. The articles fall into five thematic sections: Music in school culture, Musical connections between the school and outside-school world, A survey of music education systems of Europe, Music and personality’s development, Study materials and music as symbol of culture.
Airi Liimets, professor and the head of the Centre for Philosophical and Pedagogical Anthropology at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre; Publications on philosophy of education, philosophical anthropology, educational science, sociology of education, music education.
Marit Mäesalu is a doctoral student at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre; Publications on music education and sociology of music.