This volume contains a selection of manuscripts referring to lectures presented at the Symposium on Operations Research 1999 (SOR'99) held at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Sep tember 1 -3, 1999. This international conference took place under the auspices of the German OR society (GOR), and it was the first one organized in Germany since the foundation of GOR by merger of the two predecessor societies (DGOR and GMOOR) in 1998. The Symposium had 420 participants from 22 countries around the world. It attracted academicians and practitioners working in various fields of Operations Research and provided them with the most recent developments and advances in the full spectrum of Operations Research and related areas in economics, mathematics, and computer science. The selection of contributions to SOR'99 accepted by the program committee and the invited pa pers formed a program which consisted of 265 lectures in 19 sections, including 2 plenary and 19 semi plenary presentations. 119 manuscripts were submitted for publication in the proceedings vo lume. Due to the page limit for this volume and in order to insure a high quality level of the OR Proceedings a further review procedure had to take place which was strongly supported by the sec tion chairpersons. It resulted in a selection of 87 manuscripts which are now presented in this volume.
InhaltsangabeNonlinear Programming: W. Achtziger, M.P. Bendsoe:Optimal Design of Discrete Engineering Structures Resisting Effects of Material Degradation.- S. Dempe, J.F. Bard: A Bundle Trust Region Algorithm for Bilinear Bilevel Programming.- C. Grossmann:Convergence Analysis for General Penalty Path-Following Newton Iterations.- V. Kalashnikov, A.A. Khan:A Regularization Approach for Variational Inequalities with Pseudo-Monotone Operators.- M.T.T. Monteiro, E.M.G.P. Fernandes:A Curvilinear Pseudo-Newton Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming.- S. Vogel, S. Dempe:Pathfollowing and Jumps in Bilevel Programming.- G. Wanka, R.-I. Bot:Multiobjective Duality for Convex-Linear Problems.- U. Würker:Maximum Representation of Some Convex Marginal Functions Without Constant Rank Regularity.- Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization: R. Brandenberg:Polyatomic Discrete Tomography - Polyhedral Aspects.- G. Confessore, P. Dell'Olmo, S. Giordani:Orienting Dart-free Clique-Helly Chordal Graphs.- A.V. Eremeev:On Some Approximation Algorithms for Dense Vertex Cover Problem.- E.Kh. Gimadi, A.I. Serdyukov:A Probabilistic Analysis of an Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Weight Spanning Tree Problem with Bounded from Below Diameter.- G. Gruber, F. Rendl:Approximating Stable Sets Using the v--function and Cutting Planes.- N. Moeri, T.M. Liebling, P. Bucher:Optimizing Generalized Profiles for Enhanced Discrimination of Biomolecular Sequences.- M. Oswald, G. Reinelt:Polyhedral Aspects of the Consecutive Ones Problem.- G. Scheithauer:Solving One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problems Exactly with a Cutting Plane Algorithm.- Graphs and Complexity: G. Di Battista:Graph Drawing:the Aesthetics-Complexity Trade-Off.Invited Lectures.- M. Kubale, K. Manuszewski:The Smallest Hard-to-Color Graphs for Sequential Coloring Algorithms.- Control Theory: W.H. Schmidt:Optimal Control in Economical and Technical Problems. Invited Lecture.- H. Dietrich:Über Probleme der optimalen Steuerungmit einer Quasivariationsungleichung.- R. Tsoneva, T.Patarinska:Robust Control of Continuous Fermentation Processes Described by Monod-type Model with Delay.- Stochastic Models and Optimization: G.Ch. Pflug, A. Swietanowski:Asset-liability Optimization for Pension Fund Management.Invited Lecture.- V. Kankov:Multistage Stochastic Programming; Stability, Approximation and Markov Dependence.- C.-H. Meyer, H. Knublauch:Parallel Iterative Proportional Fitting.- K. Sladky:Error Bounds and Sensitivity Analysis of Semi-Markov Processes.- Econometrics and Statistics: N. Fickel:Partition of the Coefficient of Determination in Multiple Regression.- M. Wilczynski:Minimax Estimation Under Random Sample Size.- A. Zagdanski:Using the Sieve Bootstrap Method in Time Series Analysis.- Mathematical Economics and Economic Theory: C.-J. Haake:Support and Implementation of the Kalai-Smorodinsky Bargaining Solution.- Game and Decision Theory: T. Börgers:When Does Learning Lead to Nash Equilibrium? Invited Lecture.- D. Campisi, P. Mancuso: Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D Activities in an Oligopolistic Market.- A. Chwolka:The Timing of Informational Activities in Decision and Control Problems.- E. Girlich, M. Kovalev, A. Zaporozhets:On Properties of Optimal Solutions of Allocation Problems with Polymatroid Feasible Region.- M.G. Raith:Cooperative Procedures for Multiple-Issue Negotiations.- Experimental Economics: W. Güth:Game-Playing Experiments. Invited Lecture.- J. Brosig:Signaling and Identifying the Willingness to Cooperate: Some Experimental Results.- Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Systems: R. Kruse, C. Borgelt, D. Nauck:Data Mining mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen. Invited Lecture.- D. Alexandrov, Y. Kochetov:Behavior of the Ant Colony Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem.- L. Beinsen, M. Kührer:Comparison of Exchange Rate Forecasts by Neural Networks and by Econometric Methods.- W.