In 2021, the Deutscher Kunstverlag celebrates its 100th anniversary, which is extraordinary in light of the eventful history of Germany, and a not always easy, but always fascinating publishing segmentartas well as considering the rapid developments in publishing. The publishing house was established in 1921 at the behest of the Prussian State. With its photographs of artistically significant buildings, the archive of its Staatliche Bildstelle (state picture archive) provided the basis for marketing photos in the form of books, pictures, and postcards. Over the course of a century, innumerable high-quality, significant, beautifully illustrated, but also whimsical publications and standard works have been published. One hundred outstanding books were selected for presentation in this volumeinstead of a classic commemorative publication, the publishing house has produced a stimulating bibliophile journey of discovery through the century.
Texts by Pablo Schneider, Katja Richter, Anja Weisenseel, Kathleen Herfurth, Luzie Diekmann