REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Volume 38
Dialogues with Winfried Fluck. Essays and Responses on American Studies
Bieger, Laura / Völz, Johannes
Winfried Fluck: The Americanization of Literary Studies
Leonard Cassuto: "The Americanization of Literary Studies" Revisited
Winfried Fluck: Literature, Liberalism, and the Current Cultural Radicalism
Stephen Greenblatt: Response to Winfried Fluck, "Literature, Liberalism,
and the Current Cultural Radicalism"
Winfried Fluck: Lionel Trilling, Jane Austen, and American Literature
Jonathan Arac: The Long Lineage of Cultural Politics: Lionel Trilling Once More
Winfried Fluck: Systemic Containment or Imaginary Self-Extension? A Theory of American Literature
Susanne Rohr: From Seesaw to Standstill? The Transnational Imaginary in Katie Kitamura's Intimacies
Winfried Fluck: Crossing the Threshold: Realism and the Expression of Emotions
Peter Schneck: A Feel for the Real: Realism, Observation and Emotional Identification: A Response to Winfried Fluck
Winfried Fluck: From Aesthetics to Political Criticism: Theories of the Early American Novel
Philipp Schweighauser: Fluck and the Early American Novel
Winfried Fluck: Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Rita Felski: "Aesthetics and Cultural Studies" Revisited
Winfried Fluck: The Imaginary and the Second Narrative: Reading as Transfer
Ramón Saldivar: Winfried Fluck and the Social Imaginary: Reading "The Imaginary and the Second Narrative"
Winfried Fluck: Reading for Recognition
Johannes Voelz: Aesthetics and Affects of Recognition
Winfried Fluck: Philosophical Premises in Literary and Cultural Theory: Narratives of Self-Alienation
Laura Bieger: Reading for Premises: Some Thoughts on Winfried Fluck's Field Shaping Method
Winfried Fluck: From Mass Culture to Self Serve Media
Frank Kelleter: Your Culture My Clutter: Popular Media and the History of Our Digital Present
Winfried Fluck: Narratives About American Democratic Culture
Heinz Ickstadt: Searching for "American Democratic Culture"