Introduction (Andrea Speltz)
I. Academic Contributions
Here, Everywhere, Nowhere: Schiller’s Cosmopolitan Vision (David Pugh)
„Indem ich davon spreche, tritt mir das Bild wieder deutlich vor die Seele.“ Visualisierungen in Theodor Fontanes Schach von Wuthenow (Christiane Arndt)
Reflecting the Empty Values of Modern Finance (James M. Skidmore)
Der Weg, den wir nicht zusammen gehen (2009) and the Nostalgia for Babylon in the New Berlin (Katrina Sark)
Flüchtlingscomics: Comics About / For / By Refugees – Across Cultures, or At Cross Purposes? (Paul M. Malone)
Guiseppe Becce’s Film Score for Leni Riefenstahl’s Film The Blue Light: Cultural Interactions between Art Music Concepts and the Early Sound Film (Isabell Woelfel )
The World War Two Refugee in the Twenty-First-Century Museum between Nationalism, Transnationalism, and Human Rights (Emma Mikuska-Tinman and Stephan Jaeger)
II. Reports
German Studies without German. Reflections on the Future of the Discipline in Canadian Higher Education (Florian Gassner)
Report on the Future of German Studies in Canada (Katrina Sark)
German in Canada for the Twenty-First Century (Florentine Strzelczyk)
Memorial’s German Program on the East Coast Trail: An Opportunity in Community-Engaged and Experiential Learning (Shannon Lewis- Simpson, Maria Mayr, and Isabell Woelfel)