This book provides an overview for understanding an organization's working culture and provides guidance on why a good culture is essential for safe, cost-effective, and high quality operations. It includes a wide range of topics such as defining process safety culture (history, organizational impact and benefits, and role of organizational leadership at all levels); core principles (maintain sense of vulnerability, combat normalization of deviance, establish an imperative for safety, perform valid/timely hazard/risk assessments, ensure open and frank communications, learn and advance the culture); leadership for process safety culture within the organizational structure; applications and work processes; and sustaining process safety culture improvements, warning signs of cultural degradation and remedies, use of applications discussed in earlier chapters, the importance of using diverse methods over time to assess culture.
The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) was founded in 1985 to develop technology and management practices that mitigate or eliminate chemical and petrochemical industry process safety incidents. Since that time, CCPS has published more than 100 books and held dozens of international conferences, each representing the most advanced thinking in process safety. CCPS is supported by the contributions and voluntary participation of more than 200 companies globally. CCPS is also the world's largest provider of undergraduate engineering curriculum materials through its Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) program, with more than 160 universities around the world participating.