This work examines the thought of Louis-Marie Chauvet, who provides an outstanding articulation of the relationship between sacramental worship and ethical practice outside of formal worship. It is widely observed that believers experience a disconnect between their lives of prayer and worship on the one hand and their work-a-day lives on the other. Drawing upon the work of philosopher Martin Heidegger, historian Georges Duby, and anthropologist Marcel Mauss, Chauvet constructs a model of Christian existence with sacramentality at its very core – a model that takes full account of the fruitful tension existing between sacramental worship and daily life.
The Author: Timothy M. Brunk completed his Ph.D. in systematic theology at Marquette University in 2005. He holds master’s degrees in theological fields from Seattle University (1998) and Boston College (1989) and holds a B.A. in religion from Amherst College (1987).