Multinational organizations need to develop internationally sophisticated and skilled managers in order to compete with the competitive global environment. Organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to find employees who are willing to accept international assignments, one of the most powerful means to shape effective global leaders. Furthermore, organizations do not have an adequate understanding of what factors influence employees'' willingness to accept an international assignment. This study analyzes the impact of multiple factors which may influence an individual''s willingness to accept an international assignment. Prior research that investigated individuals'' willingness to accept an international assignment mainly focused on one particular aspect. Findings of this research include: students are generally more willing to accept a short-term than a long-term international assignment; male and female students are equally willing to accept international assignments; students are equally willing to accept international assignments within or outside of Europe; from seventeen European countries, students are most willing to work in the UK, Switzerland, Spain and Sweden.
Eliëtte Nuyens was born in the Netherlands but lived abroad for thirteen years. In 2003 she obtained the International Baccalaureate diploma in Lausanne, Switzerland. She graduated Cum Laude at University College Utrecht (BA). She received two Master degrees at Maastricht Unversity: MSc Psychology & MSc International Business (Cum Laude graduate).