The overarching aim of this work is to develop a new account of the doctrine of the Trinity. The author proposes that such an approach is overdue because contemporary trinitarian theology pays insufficient attention to the fact that theology as linguistic discourse is inescapably embedded in human experience. Hence the critical analysis of existing trinitarian constructions (Gunton, LaCugna, Moltmann) is impressively sharp. In response Nausner develops an ‘interstitial methodology’, working between experience and revelation, refusing both revelational and experiential positivisms. In dialogue with contemporary novels, the human sciences (Frankl, Weizsäcker), philosophy (Levinas) and biblical narratives, he offers an imaginative, original and contemporary way of conceiving the doctrine of the Trinity in relation to human life.
The Author: Bernhard Nausner is an ordained minister of the United Methodist Church in Germany. He holds a Diploma in Theology from the Theological Seminary of the UMC in Reutlingen (Germany) and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of Durham (England), where he also worked for two years as a teaching assistant.