New Horizons of Computational Science
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Supercomputing held in Tokyo, Japa
Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu / Makino, /
(TokyoInst. ofTechnology) describedthe result ofthe simulationof theformationofMoon. Thefirst talkoftheseconddaywas given by F-H. Hsu oftheIBMT.J. Watson Research center, on "Deep Blue", the special-purpose computer for Chess,which, forthefirst timeinthehistory, wonthematchwiththe besthumanplayer,Mr. GaryKasparov(unfortunately,Hsu'scontribution isnot included in this volume). Then A. Bakker of Delft Inst. of Tech nology looked back his 20 years ofdevelopingspecial-purpose computers formoleculardynamicsandsimulationofspinsystems. J.Arnoldgavean overviewoftheemergingnewfieldofreconfigurablecomputing,whichfalls inbetweentraditionalgeneral-purposecomputersandspecial-purposecom puters. S.Okumura(NAO)describedthehistoryofultra-high-performance digital signalprocessors for radio astronomy. They havebuilt a machine with 20GaPS performance in early 80s, and keep improvingthe speed. M. Taiji (ISM) told on general aspects of GRAPE-type systems, and T. Narumi (Univ. of Tokyo) the 100-Tflops GRAPE-type machine for MD calculations,whichwillbefinished by 1999.