The Editors: Christiane Timmerman holds a Ph.D. in social and cultural anthropology. She is director of the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies of the University Antwerp and academic director of the University Centre Saint-Ignatius of Antwerp.
Dirk Rochtus is associate professor of international relations at the Lessius Hogeschool Antwerp and at the University of Antwerp where he lectures on «Belgian Foreign Policy».
Sara Mels holds a master’s degree in Modern History and in International Relations and Conflict Resolution from the KU Leuven, and is currently project coordinator at the University Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp.
Contents: Dirk Rochtus: Foreword – Christiane Timmerman/Sara Mels: Introduction – Dirk Rochtus: European Hesitation. Turkish Nationalism on the Rise? – Sylvie Gangloff: Turkey’s Accession to the EU. The Flexible Reality Underlying the Debate – Gerrit De Vylder: The Ottoman and Turkish Economies and their Integration into Europe: 1453-2006 – William Chislett: Socio-Economic Arguments For and Against Turkey’s EU Membership – Ömer Çaha: The Cultural and Religious Dimensions of the Turkish-EU Relationship – Ingmar Karlsson: Turkey’s Historical, Cultural and Religious Heritage. An Asset to the European Union? – Hans Arnold: Political Arguments Against the Accession of Turkey to the European Union – Kemal Kiri?ci: Is Turkey too Big, too Poor and too Different for the European Union? Inhaltsverzeichnis