InhaltsangabeEditorial. Articles: Norms, Values, and Society. Justice; E. Tugendhat. The Quest for Happiness: Traces of Ancient Life Wisdom within the Moral Philosophical Context of the Vienna Circle; M. Geier. Empiricism and the Norms of Scientific Knowledge: Some Reflections on Otto Neurath and Pierre Bourdieu; E. Nemeth. The Controversy about Human Rights; E. Tugendhat. Some Problems in the Justification of Moral Rights; A. Leist. `Just are the Social Institutions that are Best for their Participants': a Critical Examination; T.W. Pogge. Gender and Political Equality; S. Moller Okin. Moral Conduct under Conditions of Moral Imperfection; P. Koller. Law and Morality: a Modest Assessment; M. La Torre. (How) Can Law be Legitimated? Habermas, Rawls, Dworkin; L. Nagl. Contract Law and the Ethical Neutrality of the State: Some Thoughts about Liberalism and Communitarianism; G. Graf. Democracy and the Problem of Collective Identity: Conceptual Distinctions without Deference to Carl Schmitt; A. Somek. Two Methods of Doing Bioethics; D. Birnbacher. Applied Ethics, Applying Ethics and the Methods of Ethics; U. Wolf. Professional Ethics `Applies' Nothing; A.S. Janik. Rationality and Virtue; P. Foot. Rationality and Morality; J. Nida-Rümelin. Humboldt's Argument against the Welfare State: a Reconstruction in Terms of Game Theory; R. Hegselmann. The Possibility of Sustaining Trust; A.C. Baier. David Hume's Criticism of Traditional Ethics; G. Streminger. Kant and Social Sentiments; H. Pauer-Studer. Documentation. Editorial Remarks. Science and Analysis of Language; R. Carnap. The Position of Einstein's Theory of Relativity in the Evolution of Science; P. Frank.Semiotic, the Socio-Humanistic Sciences, and the Unity of Science; C.W. Morris. The Social Roots of Science; E. Zilsel. Reviews. Review Essays. Activities of the Institute Vienna Circle. Index of Names.