The resistance of plants to air pollution, ie their ability to grow and thrive in a polluted atmosphere is current science problem having great practical application. Studies of tree species in terms of industrial pollution are interesting, important and with practical significance. Persistent to pollution trees are used to create green filters, enabling the localization of gaseous pollutants. Optimization of industrial environments through the creation of green filters is achieved by careful plants selection. Hence, anatomo-morphological, physiological, biochemistry and other depth studies are needed for more efficient use of tree species and enhance of industrial environments.
A.Prof. Snejana DinevaTrakia University - Stara Zagora http://tk.uni-sz.bgBULGARIAProf. Mariana LyubenovaDepartment Ecology, University of Sofia, BULGARIAProf. Jorunn E. OlsenDept. of Plant Sciences,Norwegian University of Life SciencesAas, Norway