Chinese Ophthalmology
Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Dietary Therapy, Tuina and Qigong
Fatrai, Agnes / Uhrig, Stefan / Fatrai, Agnes / Froggatt, Richard
English version of the German-language book "Chinesische Medizin in der Augenheilkunde", the standard reference on Chinese ophthalmology in a Western language since 2005. It has already been published in its third edition.
Dr. med. Hans Leonhardy, physician
"... Chinese Ophthalmology, a German work now translated into English which describes the speciality from foundations to therapeutic methods, drawing on a range of classical and modern texts. Current Western medical information is included, making this a comprehensive manual. ... This is an extensive reference on a range of conditions, from serious diseases such as vernal keratoconjunctivitis and diabetic retinopathy to the more superficial “age-related changes of the eyelids”, to complaints such as blepharospasm and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (the latter with detailed differentiation and treatment strategies that I will definitely be adding to my arsenal when hayfever season hits next spring). ... Chinese Ophthalmology gives me the understanding and confidence to treat more serious eye diseases when they do present in clinic." (The Lantern, Volume XIII, Issue 1)
1 Historical Overview 1
2 The Foundations 7
2.1 General Basic Concepts of Chinese Medicine 8
2.2 Basic Concepts of Chinese Ophthalmology 14
3 The Physiology of the Eyes in Chinese Medicine 23
3.1 The Physiological Functions of the Eyes 24
3.2 The Relationship of the Eyes with the Zangfu-Organs 25
3.3 The Relationship of the Eyes with the Channels 31
3.4 The Theories of the Five Wheels and Eight Boundaries 31
4 The Pathophysiology of Eye Diseases in Chinese Medicine 37
4.1 Causes Leading to Eye Diseases 38
4.2 The Pathomechanisms of Eye Diseases 41
4.3 Establishing a Diagnosis in Chinese Ophthalmology 50
4.4 Examination Using the Four Diagnostic Methods in Ophthalmology 56
5 Methods of Treatment 59
5.1 Acupuncture and Moxa Treatment 60
5.2 Chinese Materia Medica 87
5.3 Chinese Dietary Therapy 105
5.4 Tuina in Ophthalmology 117
5.5 Qigong Exercises for the Better Nourishing of the Eyes ("Eye Qigong") 143
6 Eye Diseases and their Treatment Options with Chinese Medicine 151
6.1 Diseases of the Eyelids 156
6.1.1 Benign Essential Blepharospasm 156
6.1.2 Blepharitis (Inflammation of the Eyelid Margins) 163
6.1.3 Hordeolum (Stye) 173
6.1.4 Chalazion (Meibomian Cyst) 184
6.1.5 Dermatitis of the Eyelids 190
6.1.6 Age-related Changes of the Eyelids 197
6.2 Diseases of the Conjunctiva 203
6.2.1 Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis 203
6.2.2 Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis 214
6.2.3 Infections of the Conjunctiva 224
6.2.4 Chronic Conjunctivitis 234
6.2.5 Dry Eye Syndrome 249
6.2.6 Epiphora (Tearing) 256
6.2.7 Pterygium 262
6.3 Diseases of the Sclera — Episcleritis 272
6.4 Diseases of the Cornea — Recurrent Corneal Erosion 281
6.5 Diseases of the Lens — Senile Cataract 288
6.6 Diseases of the Uvea — Anterior Uveitis (Iritis/Iridocyclitis) 301
6.7 Changes of the Vitreous — Degenerative Vitreous Syndrome 316
6.8 Diseases of the Retina 326
6.8.1 Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) 326
6.8.2 Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) 338
6.8.3 Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR) 348
6.8.4 Diabetic Retinopathy 356
6.9 Diseases of the Optic Nerve — Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma 371
6.10 Diseases of the Orbita — Endocrine Orbitopathy 385
6.11 Eye Movement Disorders — Paralytic Strabismus 393
6.12 Ametropia — Axial Myopia (Shortsightedness) 405
7 Recommendations on the Prevention of Disorders in the Eye Area from the Point of View of Chinese Medicine 419
7.1 General Lifestyle 420
7.2 Diet 421
7.3 Tuina, Qigong and Taiji 424
8 Appendix 427
8.1 Glossary 427
8.2 Chinese Disease Names 434
Bibliography 438
9 Index 452