The German sculptor Bettina Buck (1974-2017) called attention to herself with her performative sculptures, which she often presented vis-à-vis museal objects. Bucks preferred materials came from the hardware store: corrugated cardboard, ceramic tiles, pressed foam, or plastic foil, which are all not meant to last. Out of these materials she created a kind of changeable and transient protagonists, who didnt have a final form but rather emphasized the actual process of finding form (as well as losing form). In a provocative action in 2015, Buck dragged an oversized foam bloc through a museum collection and let it rest next to famous artworks, which gained a new dynamic in this interplay. Buck herself said once that her works were meant to simultaneously attract and alienate the viewer. In the exhibition space the objects should create a tremor, a vibration and a conversation with its surroundings. Finding Form, a posthumous monograph presents Bucks complete sculptural works on over 300 pages and contains texts by Phyllida Barlow, Paolo Icaro, Cecilia Canziani, and Andrea Maria Popelka. The book was conceived and published by the artists estate, Bureau Bettina Buck.