Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung : Zeitschrift... / 2023, Band 28, Heft 1
Die ‚Sieben weisen Meister‘ als globale Erzähltradition/The ‘Seven Sages of Rome’ as a Global Narrative Tradition
Bildhauer, Bettina / Eming, Jutta / Schmidt, Nora
The ‘Seven Sages of Rome’ was one of the most widely distributed story matters of premodernity. It was transmitted in at least 30 languages from Arabic to Russian across Asia, Europe and the Middle and Near East from the 11th to the 19th centuries. Nevertheless, this tradition is still little known and rarely researched in Mediaeval Studies. This special issue proposes that the ‘Seven Sages of Rome’ is ripe for rediscovery, and for bringing together and giving new perspectives on current and interdisciplinary approaches in Mediaeval and Early Modern Studies. This includes transmission studies, intersectional analysis and global approaches to literary history.