Beiträge zur XVI. Internationalen Slavistischen Konferenz
Krumbeck, Stefan / Weigl, Anna / Lis, Tomasz / Mrowi?ski, Damian / Hansen, Lena / Nübler, Norbert
The Junge Slavistik im Dialog is a conference series that took place for the 16th time in 2021 at Kiel University and is aimed primarily at students and doctoral candidates in Slavic studies and related subjects. A selection of the contributions is published every year in an anthology – with this volume being published for the first time in open access. The present volume contains a wide range of 45 papers from different disciplines and in five languages. Questions of literary, cultural and linguistic studies are discussed, as are historical topics and current references to media and mediality, migration and identity of south-, east- and west-Slavic examples.