InhaltsangabeEditorial: The Yearbook of Mummy Studies 5 Europe KEAN, Walter F. and Mary KEAN: The Mechanical Back Pain and Leg Neurosensory Pain of the Similaun Iceman: Relationship to "Medicinal" Tattoos 7-14 CASSEYAS, Christian: A Bowstring in Ötzi's Quiver? 15-22 PDF DÖPPES, Doris, Heather GILL-FRERKING, Ulrich JOGER, Wilfried ROSENDAHL and Nikolaus STÜMPEL: A Mountain Hare Mummy from the Zillertaler Alps 23-29 GAUDIO, Daniel, Andrea GALASSI, Franco NICOLIS, Nicola CAPPELLOZZA and Cristina CATTANEO: First World War Soldiers preserved in the Ice: two Case Reports 31-38 Egypt MATHESON, Carney D., Rosalie DAVID, Mark SPIGELMAN and Helen D. DONOGHUE: Molecular Confirmation of Schistosoma and Family Relationship in two Ancient Egyptian Mummies 39-47 ELIAS, Jonathan, Carter LUPTON and Alexandra KLALES: Assessment of Arm Arrangements of Egyptian Mummies in Light of Recent CT Studies 49-62 MALGORA, Sabina, Anna PIERI, Luca BERNARDO, Jonathan ELIAS, Chantal MILANI and Giosuè CERIANI: The Ankhpakhered Mummy Project: CT-Scan Analysis 63-70 DAIZO, María Belén, Diego M. SANTOS, Fernando ABRAMZON, Sonia LESYK and Héctor M. PUCCIARELLI: A LatePeriod Mummy from an Egyptian nonelite Cemetery, curated in Buenos Aires: 3Dvolumetric Study 7176 HARRIS, Mervyn: Radiographic Evaluation of a Late Dynastic/Ptolemaic Mummy demonstrating a Renal Calculus 77-80 DAVEY, Janet, Paul BOWYER, Andrew GIZE, Craig HAGENMAIER, David L. RANSON, Shelley D. ROBERTSON and Olaf H. DRUMMER: Standard of Mummification in Graeco-Roman Child Mummies 81-86 PDF WISSEMAN, Sarah U. and David R. HUNT: Rescanned: new Results from a Child Mummy at the University of Illinois 87-93 COCKITT, Jenefer A., Susan O. MARTIN and Rosalie DAVID: A new Assessment of the Radiocarbon Age of Manchester Mummy No. 1770 95-102 WADE, Andrew D., Barbara LAWSON, Andrew J. NELSON and Donatella TAMPIERI: Hybrid Ritual: Abdominal Incision Plate Use in a Case of Transperineal Evisceration 103-108 MCKNIGHT, Lidija M. and Stephanie D. ATHERTON: How to 'pigeonhole' your Mummy - a proposed Categorization System for Ancient Egyptian Wrapped Animal Remains based on Radiographic Evaluation 109-116 WOLFE, S. J., Kathleen M. HALEY and Caroline W. STOFFEL: EMINA (Egyptian Mummies in North America): a Database for Mummy Studies 117-124 Asia SHIN, Dong Hoon, Chang Seok OH, Myeung Ju KIM, Dong Soo YUO and In Sun LEE: What could Radiological Study say about Korean Mummies? 125-131 Latin America RAMÍREZ CASTILLA, Gustavo A.: Funeral Traditions, Premature Burials and Mummification: Advances in the Mummies of Tamaulipas Bioarchaeological Project 133-142 DEGANO, Ilaria, Maria LONGHENA, Natalie MCCREESH, Maria Perla COLOMBINI: PreInca Funerary Rituals in the Necropolis of Ancón (Lima, Peru): Archaeometric Investigations 143146 MADDEN, Gwyn and Bernardo ARRIAZA: The Effects of Arsenic Poisoning in the Early Inhabitants of the Azapa Valley, Chile 147-151 MADDEN, Gwyn: Ethnic Markers in Pre-Historic Chilean Textiles: a Pilot Study 153-158 CARMINATI, Pauline, Anna-Maria BEGEROCK and Heather GILL-FRERKING: Surface Treatment of Mummies: Mummification, Conservation or Beautification 159-166 Archaeometry BRIDELLI, Maria Grazia, Alida DELL'ANNA, Chiaramaria STANI, Andrea BARALDI, Rosa BOANO and Sergio DE IASIO: FTIR Spectroscopy and Microspectroscopy of Ancient Egyptian embalmed Heads from the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University of Turin 167174 DIANA, Eliano, Elisa MAUPAS, Rosa BOANO, Emma Rabino MASSA and Bernardo ARRIAZA: Spectroscopic Characterization of Ancient Human Tissue from the Chinchorro Mummies