The 25 studies presented in this volume offer a general view of the ecumenical endevours during the past fifty years between the historical Churches in Romania and their theologians for an ecumenical dialogue and a peaceful cohabitation. The volume gives insights in their special confessional experiences and theological opinions during the hard years of communist pressure as well during the time after the changes in the year 1989. They go back to a common multi-confessional and multi-ethnical history in this country ever since centuries. Today, in a time of crises of ecumenism, the articles presented here want to encourage future efforts for a strong commitment to the ecumenical work and in such way promote the aim of Christians worldwide to a "visible unity" by a "reconciled diversity".
Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein lehrt Systematische Theologie und ist em. Bischof der Evangelischen Kirche Augsburger Bekenntnisses in Rumänien.