How did people come to realise that medicinal plants help treat diseases? The basis is laid by what is known as the doctrine of signatures - through their form, colour, fragrance and site, the plants tell us what kind of medicinal effects they have. The sunny yellow St Johns wort, for example, brings light into the soul - and indeed, it has been shown to be effective in treating depression. In this book, Claudia Ritter guides you through the knowledge, old and new, of natures sign language. Profiles of 30 herbs tell you about their nature, individual signatures and medicinal properties, with reference to current research findings. With numerous recipes for teas, tinctures, oils and much more besides.
Claudia Ritter ist Heilpraktikerin und ganzheitliche Ernährungsberaterin. Sie ist Autorin von Fachbeiträgen für verschiedene Zeitschriften, Dozentin für die praktische Anwendung von Heilpflanzen und naturheilkundliche Ernährungsthemen.