François Baucher (1796-1873) was a reformer who wanted to reinvent the art of riding. His system was based on the following principles: balance was something to be achieved before movement. For him it was the first requirement before any attempts were made to work on movement with the horse. It was necessary to separate the influence of leg and hand, and the horse was never to be confused by being driven on while being simultaneously slowed down by a hard (restraining) hand. A pliable, flexible lower jaw is proof of having achieved the balance und relaxation required for further work of any kind. The ultimate aim is the lightness of the horse towards all aids. JeanClaude Racinet is devoted to riding in lightness on the basis of the teachings of La Guérinière and Baucher, who attempt to improve balance by relaxing the horse, especially in the region of mouth, head and neck, and reject the use of force when using the aids. This philosophy is actually the central tenet of the French riding tradition.
Jean-Claude Racinet (Jahrgang 1929) durchlief die Kavallerieschule von Saumur, war Berufsreiter und lebt seit 1983 in den USA. Er veröffentlichte mehrere Fachbücher zum Reiten in der französischen Tradition der Légèreté und schrieb Artikel zur klassischen Reitkunst für L'Information Hippique und Dressage & CT. Er vermittelt das Feine Reiten in Kursen in den USA, Schweden, Frankreich und in Deutschland. Es ist sein zweites Buch in deutscher Sprache.