It is well recognized both in the scientific and global community level that Bangladesh is the worst sufferer and potential victims of climate change. Bangladesh is a low lying, highly densely populated countries in the world and her economy depends mostly on agriculture and natural resources that is vulnerable to the impact of climate change. The challenges and impacts of climate change and extreme climatic events on various sector has focused separately. Bangladesh has demonstrated good potential to adapt with adverse impact of climatic and non-climatic variability and extreme events over the generations. The government of Bangladesh has also undertaken several initiatives, policies and programs for adaptation against climate change. The paper has exposed several traditional community level adaptation and highlighted recent government policies, programs and strategies for adaptation against climate change. Finally, the paper fulfills the needs by providing adequate information and recommendation through analyses critically with due consideration of government policies, planning, institutional capabilities and multiple level adaptation strategies and techniques.
Md. Saifur Rahman is affiliated with Bangladesh Civil Service Economic Cadre Officer and has been working under Ministry of Planning. He completed BSc (Honors) in Forestry, MSc in Forestry from Khulna University, Bangladesh, and then did Master of Public Policy from National Graduate Institute for policy Studies (GRIPS) in Japan.