Current trends clearly reveal that the majority of refugee movements take place in the less developed global South while the global North increases asylum restrictions. A suitable approach that takes these trends into account is development-oriented refugee assistance. It aims at bridging the gap between emergency aid and development as well as sharing the burdens between the global South and North. Guided by the research question "How can a development-oriented approach to refugee assistance be delivered in a way that is sustainable, efficient and gendersensitive?" the epistemological interest of Ulrike Krause's thesis is distinguished in three research aims: 1. analyses of the concepts of refugee aid and development assistance as well as the previous operational approaches of the migration-development nexus; 2. elaboration of features of development-oriented refugee assistance; 3. studying the case of Rhino Camp in Uganda. Hence, the author analyzes not only previous approaches of the development orientation in refugee assistance and protection; moreover, she elaborates fundamental features necessary for its successful implementation. Research is rounded up by studying a case of refugeeism in Uganda.
InhaltsangabeRefugee Protection and Assistance.- Development.- Gender.- Development-Oriented Refugee Assistance.- Case Study of Rhino Camp.