Contextuality and Intercontextuality in Public Theology
Proceedings from the Bamberg Conference 23.-25.06.2011, Theology in the Public S
Höhne, Florian / Reitmeier, Tobias
All over the world, the term "Public Theology" has become a heading for theological discussion on the public relevance of Christian traditions and the public mission of Christian communities. What does public engagement look like in contexts as diverse as South Africa, Brazil, Oceania, Europe and North America? What are the different challenges and how can theology and ecclesial praxis meet them? Are there widespread, intercontextual features to all contextual Public Theologies? Questions like these were discussed during an international conference in Bamberg in June 2011 under the title "Contextuality and Intercontextuality in Public Theology". This volume brings together the contributions from the conference and offers some answers to the questions posed above.
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm was professor of Systematic Theology and director of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology at the University of Bamberg until 2011. He is currenty bishop of the Lutheran Church in Bavaria (Germany). He continues to be extraordinary professor at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Stellenbosch and honorary professor at the University of Bamberg. Florian Höhne is a research associate and lecturer for the Systematic Theology Chair and the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology in Bamberg. Tobias Reitmeier is working as a research associate at the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology in Bamberg.