The denominational plurality in continental Europe keeps growing. The churches of African origin are of increasing number. Seeking for a new identity in their new home, the concept of Diaspora and the question for legal issues get important for their identity. To what extent is their identity determined rather by seclusion or openness? Are the churches missionizing amongst Germans and are there ecumenical relations? What are the characteristics of such a new identity? How does it develop? By analyzing three different types of churches of African origin in the German context, especially by examining their sermons, the author demonstrates how those churches develop in a missionary direction and how they can become ecumenical partners.
The Author: Benjamin Simon, born 1972, has studied Theology and Educational Sciences at the Universities of Heidelberg (Germany), Marburg (Germany) and Pietermaritzburg (South Africa). He holds a Doctor of Theology from Heidelberg University and a M.A. in Education. He has been lecturer for Systematic Theology and Mission Studies at the University of Heidelberg and Makumira University College (Tanzania) as well as visiting lecturer at the University Simon Kimbangu, Kinshasa (Congo). Currently he is working as secretary for Mission and Ecumenism in Karlsruhe (Germany) at the head office of the Church of Baden.