Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
9th International Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 7 - 10,1993.Proceeding
Main, Michael / Melton et al, Austin
InhaltsangabeFinal universes of processes.- On the symmetry of sequentiality.- Computational adequacy via 'mixed' inductive definitions.- A structural co-induction theorem.- Three metric domains of processes for bisimulation.- Topological models for higher order control flow.- An investigation into functions as processes.- Time abstracted bisimulation: Implicit specifications and decidability.- Timewise refinement for communicating processes.- Axiomatising real-timed processes.- A predicative semantics for the refinement of real-time systems.- Compositional process semantics of Petri Boxes.- On the specification of elementary reactive behaviour.- A chemical abstract machine for graph reduction extended abstract.- Lifting theorems for Kleisli categories.- Sequential functions on indexed domains and full abstraction for a sub-language of PCF.- Another approach to sequentiality: Kleene's unimonotone functions.- Mechanizing logical relations.- Some quasi-varieties of iteration theories.- Probabilistic power domains, information systems, and locales.- Linear domains and linear maps.- Universal quasi-prime algebraic domains.- Holomorphic models of exponential types in linear logic.- A syntax for linear logic.- A complete axiomatisation for trace congruence of finite state behaviors.- The asymmetric topology of computer science.- Ultimately periodic words of rational ?-languages.- Category of ?-functors.- A categorical interpretation of Landin's correspondence principle.- An operational semantics for TOOPLE: A statically-typed object-oriented programming language.- On the transformation between direct and continuation semantics.