Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
7th International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, March 25-28,1991.Proceedings,
Main, Michael / Melton et al, Austin
This volume contains the proceedings of the Seventh International Conferenceon the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, held at Carnegie Mellon University, March 1991. The conference continued a series of annual meetings, alternating between workshop and conference formats, intended to bring together computer scientists and mathematicians for discussion of research problems, results and directions in programming language semantics and related areas. A major goalof the series is to improve communication and interaction between researchers in these areas and to establish ties between related areas of research. The volume contains revised and refereed versions of each of the contributed papers and refereed papers by three invited speakers:Jon Barwise, John Reynolds, and Mitchell Wand.
InhaltsangabeTypes, abstraction, and parametric polymorphism, part 2.- Call-by-value combinatory logic and the lambda-value calculus.- From operational to denotational semantics.- A simple language supporting angelic nondeterminism and parallel composition.- The equivalence of two semantic definitions for inheritance in object-oriented languages.- Primitive recursive functional with dependent types.- Typed homomorphic relations extended with subtypes.- Information links in domain theory.- Nonwellfounded sets and programming language semantics.- Simultaneous substitution in the typed lambda calculus.- HSP type theorems in the category of posets.- Decomposition of domains.- Cartesian closed categories of domains and the space proj(D).- An upper power domain construction in terms of strongly compact sets.- Correctness of procedure representations in higher-order assembly language.- An algorithm for analyzing communicating processes.- Continuous functions and parallel algorithms on concrete data structures.- Trade-offs in true concurrency: Pomsets and mazurkiewicz traces.- On relating concurrency and nondeterminism.- On continuous time agents.- A monoidal closed category of event structures.- An exper model for Quest.- Equations for if-then-else.- Program correctness and matricial iteration theories.- Liminf progress measures.- Connections.