Grundlage einer universalen Strafrechtsdogmatik. Buttenheimer Gespräche., Schrif
Renzikowski, Joachim / Rostalski, Frauke
'Theory of Norms. The Fundament of a Universal Criminal Law Dogmatics': The distinction between norms of conduct addressed to citizens and norms of sanctions addressed to law enforcement agencies is also meeting with increasing resonance internationally. From this perspective, questions are asked about the content of the norms of conduct, for example in the case of an attempt, an omission offence or a negligent offence, as well as about the addressee of the legal norm. This volume demonstrates the fruitfulness of an international discussion of these questions.
PD (Univ. Halle) Dr. phil. habil. Alexander Aichele arbeitet selbständig als Consulting Philosopher u. Lektor ( Zahlreiche Publikationen, v.a. zu Themen der Metaphysik, Logik, Erkenntnis- u. Handlungstheorie, Ästhetik, Rechts- u. politischer Philosophie. Zuletzt erschienen: Deutsch denken. Die Philosophie der Neuen Rechten (Metzler 2021).