Das Kriegsende in Sachsen 1945.
Chemnitzer Europastudien 20
Thoss, Hendrik / H Müller, /
'End of World War II in Saxony' The volume shows six essays dealing with aspects of the end of war in 1945 in Saxony. They include political and cultural aspects, they discuss questions of the military history and the topos 'liberation'. Additionally the volume contains a detailed study on air warfare as well as an analysis of the regional / local dimension of the end of war. The last essay deals with the fate of German expellees, who found a new home in Saxony.
Mario H. Müller, geboren 1989; Studium der Europäischen Geschichte in Chemnitz; Lehrer an der Oberschule in Penig; Promotionsstipendiat des Dorothee-Fliess-Fonds; u.a. Mitglied der Forschungsgemeinschaft 20. Juli 1944, der Prinz-Albert-Gesellschaft und des Volksbunds Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge.