Michael Müller Vol. 4.2: Ernstes Spiel - Catalogue Raisonné
Lektüre und Ablenkung, Dt/engl/chin
von Amelunxen, Hubertus / Bonnet, Anne-Marie
Volume 4.2 of Michael Müllers catalogue raisonné is devoted exclusively to the large-format, 126-part work Lektüre und Ablenkung (2016/17), which belongs to the group of works known as indexes. The basis for the index presented in this volume is Jacques Derridas book Vom Geist. But far more than the content of that publication, Müller is interested in the inevitable distractions that arise during the intense reading of a book. Meticulously documented, elaborated and developed in a variety of media - from text notes to drawings and photographs to mathematical notations - the distractions integrated into the work unfold a complex web of references, categorisations and relationships that uncover structures of the digressive mind.
Michael Müller (*1970, Ingelheim) deals in his artistic work with the aesthetics and pictorial development of complex processes of thought. His large-scale paintings, drawings, installations and sculptures, on which he works over several months, are exhibited internationally. From 2015 to 2018, he lectured as a professor at the Universität der Künste zu Berlin