Frankreich in Potsdam
Ein Stadtrundgang, Königliche Schlösser in Berlin, Potsdam und Brandenburg
Preussische Schlösser und Gärten, Stiftung /
Potsdam has more in common with the magnificent residence of the French Sun King Louis XIV, Versailles, than with any other French city. Did the city of Potsdam become what it is today not least because the Prussian rulers sought to emulate the French court during the 17th and 18th centuries? Potsdams institutions house many artistic highlights from our neighbouring country, like French Impressionist works from the Hasso Plattner Collection in Museum Barberini and the French Rococo paintings to be found in the palaces of Sanssouci and Neues Palais. These outstanding art venues are the main stops on a new city tour developed in collaboration between the Foundation of Prussian Palaces and Gardens and Museum Barberini. - Walk through the French side of Potsdam