House Tour
Views of the Unfurnished Interior
Jasper, Adam / Bosshard, Alessandro / Tavor, Li / van der Ploeg, Matthew / Vihervaara, Ani / Ahearn,
Photographs of empty, new apartments are an increasingly common form of architectural representation. Such images constitute a class of their own; the eye-level, interior shot captures the state of the building after it is completed and before it is occupied. House Tour takes you on a visual journey through the architectural interior of contemporary Swiss housing. At first glance, it may seem like there is nothing to see in such picturesa door or two, some white walls, a parquet floorbut comparing and contrasting these images reveals a new world, a kind of architectural labyrinth with its own norms, its own habits and its own secrets. What are the hidden logics behind this peculiar genre of representation? Sixteen scholars, from architectural historians to anthropologists, survey the landscape of the contemporary interior in an attempt to develop perspectives from which we can understand its topology, its past and its all-consuming present. The book is the official publication of Svizzera 240: House Tour , the Swiss Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, winner of the Golden Lion for Best National Participation.
Adam Jasper is a research assistant at ETH Zurichs Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta). Alessandro Bosshard , Li Tavor , Matthew van der Ploeg , and Ani Vihervaara hold degrees in architecture and work as research assistants at Alex Lehnerers chair of Architecture and Urban Design at ETH Zurich.