This volume explores the development towards mass digitisation and datafication and its transforming influence on our way of organising our cultural knowledge and heritage. In this context, cultural recycling plays a crucial role, even if it is in itself not a new phenomenon. However, the quality and quantity of recycling processes have altered profoundly in the postdigital age. The contributions of this volume consider various manifestations of these recycling processes and practices by providing the reader with a wide range of different case studies. Their authors highlight characteristic features of postdigital recycling that differ from the qualities of recycling processes and practices in previous periods. What the case studies show are the different recyclings of canonical texts, folktales, and cultural productions in new postdigital environments, but also what happens to history and memory in todays times and even how self-declared pre-digital authors cannot escape postdigital strategies for cultural recycling.
Miriam Llamas Ubieto is a senior lecturer at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), where she has taught German literature and comparative literature since 2001. She is a member of the research group LEETHI (Spanish and European Literatures from Text to Hypermedia, UCM). Her publications deal mainly with contemporary German literature; literary theory, interculturality and transculturality; globalisation and literature; memory studies and digital humanities. Johanna Vollmeyer is a lecturer at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Her publications deal with memory and its relation to trauma, power and violence, as well as constructions of identity and alterity in contemporary German literature. She is currently researching a new conceptualisation of time and memory in the postdigital era. Her PhD was awarded with the Premio Extraordinario (Award for extraordinary achievements) from the Universidad Complutense. She is a member of the research group LEETHI (Spanish and European Literatures from Text to Hypermedia, UCM) and head of the research group ReOTi (Rethinking the Order of Time).
Johanna Vollmeyer and Miriam Llamas Ubieto - Cultural Recycling in the Postdigital Age: An Introduction – Miriam Llamas Ubieto - Postdigital Cultural Recycling – Johanna Vollmeyer - Postdigital Recycling – Doing Memory and the Narrative – Linda Maeding - Whatever Happened to History? Cultural Recycling and Notions of the Past since Postmodernism – Amelia Sanz Cabrerizo - Predigital Narratives for a Postdigital World: The Case of Amélie Nothomb – María Goicoechea de Jorge - The New Art of Making Books Revisited: Postdigital Recycling of the Literary – María José Calvo González - Postdigital Remediation and Recycling off the Page: The Collaborative Work Besmette Stad – Adrián Menéndez de la Cuesta González - From Memes to Literature and Vice- Versa: The Recycling Canon – Antonio Domínguez Leiva - The Precession of Monoliths: Planetary Recycling of a Space Age Mythology – Rafael Vidal Sanz - Recycling of Haunted House and Spiritualism Motifs in two Postdigital Narratives – Silviano Carrasco Yelmo - Incarnations of Little Red Riding Hood in Board and Video Games – Teresa Cañadas García - Literary Recycling of Traditional Tales. The Path towards the Postdigital Traditional Tale – Pilar García Carcedo - The Creation of Memes Based on Traditional Folk Tales in a Teacher- training Degree Classroom – Begoña Regueiro Salgado - Cervantes and Bécquer in the 21st Century: Literary Recycling of Texts as Educational Tools