Diese Reihe fördert den wissenschaftlichen Dialog zwischen dem Alten This series promotes and stimulates the scientific dialogue between the Testament und benachbarten Fächern. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses Old Testament and its interrelated subjects. The interest is focused on stehen der weit verzweigte Dialog zum Neuen Testament sowie die the New Testament and its relationship with the human sciences. wechselseitige Beziehung mit den Humanwissenschaften, die durch In addition to theology, anthropology and ethics and aside from areas die Vielschichtigkeit des Alten Testaments hervorgerufen wird. relating to psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics, historiography, Dazu gehören neben der Theologie, Anthropologie und Ethik music and linguistics, there are some important points of reference auch Gebiete wie Psychologie, Pädagogik, Soziologie, to scientific questions, including medicine. Geschichtsschreibung und Sprachforschung.
Jin-Myung Kim studied at the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary in Korea (Th.D, 2007) and at Ben-Gurion University (Beer-Sheba). In 2009 he was a visiting fellow of The Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies at Cambridge University. He is currently an Old Testament professor at the Seoul Presbyterian Theological Seminary and works as a supporting minister at Shin-Saeng Church, which serves homeless people.
Contents: Commentary of Leviticus 19 – Leviticus 19 and its Canonical Unfolding in the Old Testament – Leviticus 19 in Qumran Texts – Leviticus 19 and its Canonical Unfolding in the New Testament – Canonical Unfolding of Lev. 19 in the Bible. Inhaltsverzeichnis