This year's issue is again exciting not only because People with common goals establish communities. Usually, in the natural sciences, communities originate it lists the 1 OOth excited resonance state, but also be around fields because institutions, conferences, and cause it contains extensive new information and addi 197 the literature are normally field oriented. In excep tional interesting articles on Au by Louis Roberts, 151 tional cases, communities have a method as the com Eu by Chris Barton and Norman Greenwood, and 129 mon bond, for instance, Mossbauer spectroscopy. The I by Hendrick deWaard. One innovation might be minimum requirement to be a "Mossbauer woman or suggested: for our irreproducible results we have the man" seems to be the possession of a Mossbauer sys International Journal of Irreproducible Results; how tem and the MEDI. Every member of the M6ssbauer ever, there is no literature for our reproducible nega community must have realized our extremely fortunate tive results. Sometimes nature's hidden tricks are un situation: before we put a drive system into motion known to us and experiments with some isotopes are we know within minutes if similar work has been pub tried unsuccessfully again and again. A chapter for lished somewhere in the world.