This book develops the main political lessons that the Mexican Neozapatismo movement brings us, in its almost 30 years of public life. Thus, beginning by defining the singular concept of Autonomy that the Neozapatista movement proposes, different from legal, anthropological or political definitions, and conceived as real global autonomy. Then the content of the Neozapatista oxymoron Mandar Obedeciendo, To Lead by Obeying is explained as identical to the idea of popular self-government. A new concept of autonomy is linked necessarily with the idea of Other Politics and Other Democracy. The book also presents how Neozapatismo embodies a project of modernity that, having been constructed as a modernity of resistance for five centuries to the dominant modernity imposed by the Spaniards in Mexico, has now been transformed into a project of a real alternative modernity to capitalism.
Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas is a full-time researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He specializes in the theory of history in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries and in the new antisystemic movements in Latin America. He is the author of The Combatant: A Che Guevara Enigma, 2023.