This book sets out to explore an ethic of suffering; that is, learning how to locate the suffering on an ethical grid and, if possible, learning how to take steps to conspire with God who always desires our healing and freedom.
MARK SLATTER, a priest with the archdiocese of Ottawa, Canada, obtained his doctorate in moral theology from the Gregorian University in Rome in 2007, and has worked with Ottawa’s homeless and drug addicts since 2000. He is Associate Professor of Theological Ethics at St. Paul University in Ottawa. His academic interests include the work of Bernard Lonergan and the relationship between interiority and ethics. His special areas of research and publication include topics such as suffering and growth, the nature of greed, the role of compassion in moral argument, poverty and ecclesial renewal, and differentiating conversion from growth. He was a recipient of the 2011 Ottawa Capital Educators’ Awards.
Contents: Theologians of the Cross – Learning to Talk: The Phenomenology of Dorothee Soelle's
– The Psychological Theology of Cynthia Crysdale's
– What is meant by Suffering? Looking beneath a Touchstone – The Evil of Suffering – The Chimera of Suffering and Character – What we do to each other: The social and communical roots of indivdual suffering – Founding Meaning, «Finding» God.