Has the hype associated with the «revolutionary» potential of the World Wide Web and digital media for environmental activism been muted by the past two decades of lived experience? What are the empirical realities of the prevailing media landscape? Using a range of related disciplinary perspectives, the contributors to this book analyze and explain the complicated relationship between environmental conflict and the media. They shine light on why media are central to historical and contemporary conceptions of power and politics in the context of local, national and global issues and outline the emerging mixture of innovation and reliance on established strategies in environmental campaigns. With cases drawn from different sections of the globe - Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Latin America, China, Japan, the Pacific Islands, Africa - the book demonstrates how conflicts emanate from and flow across multiple sites, regions and media platforms and examines the role of the media in helping to structure collective discussion, debate and decision-making.
Contents: Michael Meadows/Robert Thomson: Campaigning Journalism: The Early Press, Environmental Advocacy and National Parks – Alex Lockwood: Affecting Environments: Mobilizing Emotion and Twitter in the UK Save Our Forests Campaign – Catherine Collins: Clear Cuts on Clearcutting: YouTube, Activist Videos and Narrative Strategies – Daniel Palmer: Photography, Technology, and Ecological Criticism: Beyond the Sublime Image of Disaster – Lyn McGaurr: Not So Soft? Travel Journalism, Environmental Protest, Power and the Internet – Silvio Waisbord: Contesting Extractivism: Media and Environmental Citizenship in Latin America – Kitty van Vuuren: Online Media, Flak and Local Environmental Politics – Dan Brockington: Celebrity, Environmentalism and Conservation – Michelle Voyer/Tanja Dreher/William Gladstone/Heather Goodall: Dodgy Science or Global Necessity? Local Media Reporting of Marine Parks – Morgan Richards: Greening Wildlife Documentary – Myra Gurney: Whither the «Moral Imperative»? The Focus and Framing of Political Rhetoric in the Climate Change Debate in Australia – Kumi Kato: As Fukushima Unfolds: Media Meltdown and Public Empowerment – Clio Kenterelidou: Public Communication, Environmental Crises and Nuclear Disasters: A Comparative Approach – Robert Cox: Climate Change, Media Convergence and Public Uncertainty – Chris Nash/Wendy Bacon: «That Sinking Feeling»: Climate Change, Journalism and Small Island States – Alanna Myers: «Skeptics» and «Believers»: The Anti-Elite Rhetoric of Climate Change Skepticism in the Media – Guobin Yang/Craig Calhoun: Media, Civil Society and the Rise of a Green Public Sphere in China.