Intelligent Systems and Interfaces
International Series in Intelligent Technologies 15
Mlynek, Daniel / Kandel et al, Abraham
InhaltsangabePreface. Acknowledgments. About the Editors. Contributors. Part 1: Intelligent Agents and Bio-Inspired Systems. 1. A tutoring based approach to the development of intelligent agents; G. Tecuci, et al. 2. An object-oriented framework for building collaborative network agents; L. Boloni, D.C. Marinescu. 3. Animals versus robotic autonomous agents; J.E.R. Staddon, I.M. Chelaru. 4. From configurable circuits to bio-inspired systems; M. Sipper, et al. Part 2: Intelligent Data Processing. 5. Fuzzy data mining; A. Kandel, A. Klein. 6. Feature-oriented hybrid neural adaptive systems and applications; H.-N. Teodorescu, C. Bonciu. 7. Algebraic neuro-fuzzy systems and applications; H.-N. Teodorescu, D. Arotaritei. Part 3: Interfaces. 8. Neuro-fuzzy approach to natural language understanding and processing. Part I: Neuro-fuzzy device; E. Ferri, G. Langholz. 9. Neuro-fuzzy approach to natural language understanding and processing. Part II: Neuro-fuzzy learning algorithms; E. Ferri, G. Langholz. 10. Graph matching and similarity; H. Bunke, Xiaoyi Jiang. Part 4: Applications and High-tech Management. 11. Diagnosis systems and strategies: principles, fuzzy and neural approaches; P.M. Frank, T. Marcu. 12. Intelligent non-destructive testing and evaluation with industrial applications; C. Morabito. 13. Managing high-tech projects. Part I; D. Mlynek, P. Mali. 14. Managing high-tech projects. Part II; D. Mlynek, P. Mali. Index of Terms.