Welches große Gebäude - ob Wohnhaus, Bürogebäude, Autobahnbrücke oder Tunnel - kommt ohne Hochleistungsbeton aus? Die 2. durchgängig aktualisierte Auflage dieses Handbuchs hilft dem Fachmann bei der Auswahl geeigneter Betonsorten für bestimmte Projekte. Ein Lösungsband ist ebenfalls erhältlich. (12/00)
InhaltsangabePreface. Acknowledgments. General Performance Characteristics. Permeability Effects on Performance of Concrete. Mineral and Chemical Admixtures in High-Strength High-Performance Concrete. Design of Concrete Mixtures for High-Performance Normal- and High-Strength Concrete. HighPerformance Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LowDensity Aggregate Concrete). LongTerm Effects. Characteristics of High-Performance Concrete. Micro and Macromechanics of HighPerformance Concrete. FiberReinforced Concrete and FiberReinforced Plastic Composites. Economics of High-Strength High-Performance Concrete. Proportioning Concrete Structural Elements by ACI 318-99 Code: An Overview. Performance Control for Long-Term Durability: A Summation. HighPerformance Concrete in the 21st Century. Appendix A: Tables. Appendix B: Standards and Reports. Author Index. Subject Index.