InhaltsangabeForeword. Introduction. 1. Global warming as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel. 2. Stratospheric ozone depletion as criterion in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel. 3. Photochemical ozone formation as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel. 4. Acidification as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel. 5. Nutrient enrichment as a criterion in the assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel. 6. Ecotoxicity as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel, A. Damborg, J. Tørsløv. 7. Human toxicity as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, S.I. Olsen, H. Wenzel. 8. Resource consumption as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; R. Nedermark, H. Wenzel, N. Caspersen. 9. The working environment as a criterion in the environmental assessment of products; E. Rasmussen. 10. Normalization and weighting in the environmental assessment of products; M. Hauschild, H. Wenzel. 11. Basis of the EDIP method's allocation model; H. Wenzel.