InhaltsangabeForeword by Sir Charles Frank. The size factor in phase transitions: its role in polymer crystal formation and wider implications - A Keller, M Hikosaka, S Rastogi, A Toda and P J Barham. Crystallographic and structural roots of variation in polymer structure and morphology - B Lotz. Lamellae and their organisation in melt-crystallized polymers - D C Bassett. Self-order in flexible non-mesogenic macromolecules - Y K Godovsky and N N Makarova. Spontaneous ordering in polymeric nematic liquids and solids - M Warner. Modelling of form in thermotropic polymers - A H Windle, H E Assender, M S Lavine. Local order in polymer glasses and melts - G R Mitchell, B Rosi-Schwartz and D J Ward. Phase behaviour and structure in solutions of vinyl polymers - H Berghmans and F Deberdt. Formation of microstructure in polymer blocks - J S Higgins. Phase morphology in block copolymer systems - E L Thomas and R L Lescanec. Macromolecular order in biology - Sir Aaron Klug.